Time started reading :11.15
time finished reading :
Today I decided to read one hundred random facts I am going to share some with you now.
1.Three percent of the ice glaciers in Antarctica are penguin urine.
2.A small child could swim through the veins of a blue whale.
3.The twitter bird actually has a name it is called Larry.
4.In England int he 1880's pants were considered a dirty word .
5.Birds don't urinate.
Here is a link to the website I read on.
Time started reading:8.50
time finished :9.00
Today I decide to do some quizzes on a website called sporcle which is a website with loads of different quizzes like presidents of the united states in alphabetical order
The audience are all ages
if you would like to have a go yourself here is the link its easy to figure how to use it.
Today I did a few quizzes on Sporcle (again) I did some different quizzes some good some not so good the link is above.
Today we had to look up a burning question that we wanted to answer I didn't have one so I quickly thought about global warming and is there a way to stop it. Here is what I found/what you can do to help stop it.
1. speak up
what is the one of the best ways to change climate change? speak up convince people to stop using that much carbon.
2. power your own house with renewable energy .
choose a utility company that gets most of there power from wind and solar and has been verified green-e-energy.
3. pull the plugs
pull all of the plugs out of the wall and switch them of completely
Today I read read theory and did about 5 story's and did the questions afterwards. I read one about geckos and another one about a zoo and a fair and about how people got lot lost because it was crowded. there were others but I cant explain them now.
Today i did read theory this is a website that you improve your reading skills. AI did not do well today but if you would like to try for yourself here is the link.
read theory
Thanks Jessie and I will check out the websites. I am learning such a variety of random facts but just checking out your site. I think it would add to your blog if you added some images as it makes it more eye catching and could well hook your audience in.